Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Spent a glorious weekend in Amsterdam. A reunification of sorts of several different characters I've known throughout my life, Chrissy of course being among them. Gotta love Amsterdam, though, walking along the canals at dusk, the rows upon rows of warmly lit curtain-less windows, where every so often you see someone going about their evening, reading a book, cooking; they must be so used to being watched by the people walking by.

Two museums (and a purchase of a Dutch museum card, 22 Euros and good for one year for entry to almost any museum in the country): Anne Frank and Van Gogh, two prominent figures of Dutch history, but forewent the zoo (it was too near closing time) to instead hang out in a park of geese and ducks. Sore calves and knees from all the walking (next time will bring bike!) and quiet evenings in playing chess in Jamie's 2-floor flat, conveniently equipped with 4 single beds.

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